Friendly Cities


ページID 7268

Our city has joined hands with 7 other cities, 3 in Japan and 4 in other countries.

Culture, art, sports etc, are some of the many fields we have been doing cultural exchange and making each others' friendship more deeper.

Friendly cities in other countries

Grand Rapids City (Michigan, USA)

In August 4 of 1986, we joined hands as sister cities.
The Omihachiman Junior Chamber have promoted these conception which is hammered out by President Ford, who has "elected from city, is called "people to people" and "Heart Land" (good heart is raised by hometown) became a chance for the citizens in our city to deepen mutual relationship since then.

This city is located on the east side of Michigan lake which is surrounded by lots of nature, also it's a part of Michigan lake.Grand Rapids is famous in the U.S.A. for making an elegant furniture, also car parts and electronic products manufacturing.

CITY OF GRAND RAPIDS MICHIGAN:The City of Grand Rapidsのホームページへ

Miryang City (Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea)

In December 1 of 1994 we joined hands as a sister city.

In Edo period, a korean mission used to walk back and forth on this street as a cultural mission to promote closer relationships between Korea and Japan, even nowadays the same name remains. There is a temple called Hachiman Betsuin where they had lunch, also our city was the hometown for the forerunner who was named shimei for this misssion so we had a chance to be a sister city.

Korea, Keishyounandou Miryang city is located amongst beautiful nature it's a tourism and agricultural town. We deepen our friendship though art and sports projects.

MIRYANG CITY:密陽市のホームページへ

Leavenworth City (Kansas, USA)

In February 1 of 1997, we joined hands as a brother cities.

The chance started in 1993 by Omi brother, the trip to north America to visit "following Vories step".
The reason it is named "brother city" is dated from the fact that he has been calling his colleagues brother.

This city which is located in the middle of Kansas state and has prospered as the original city to develop western America, nowadays it prospers from meat, furniture, iron and steel.

LEAVENWORTH COUNTY,KANSAS 1854:Leavenworth County, Kansasのホームページへ

Mantova (Lombardia, Italia)

In February 20 of 2005 we joined hands as a sister city.  


Friendly cities in Japan

Fujinomiya City (Sizuoka Prefecture, Japan)

We joined hands as a couple city since August of 1968. 

The group is for connecting Fujinomiya Fuji and Biwa lake which refer to the Mt.Fuji legend in KOJIKI,have been hosting people from our city to climb Mt.Fuji together, bonding both relationaships every year has caused us to become a couple city(sister city)since then. 

This city is located at the north east of Shizuoka prefecture, and beside the south west of Mt.Fuji. This group's activity is to exchange communication between Fujinomiya and Omihachiman,to partcipate in annual marathons and an exchange program between students and visit each other to make our relationship more stronger.

FUJIYAMA CITY:富士宮市のホームページへ

Matsumae Town (Hokkaido, Japan)

We have been joined hands as a sister city since December of 1984. 

In the Edo period, Hachiman merchants were based there for developing the new fishery field, also trying to trade with other countries from thier harbor, by Kitamae ship which was built for doing trade, have been deeply communicate for industry, economic and culture made this commitment between us.
The most southern side of Hokkaido, is called toshima-hanto,this city is located south west and has about 700 years of heritade history.

This cities industry is squid fishing also tuna fishing it is /also well known for the castle surrounded cherry blossom's and there are many popular sightseeing areas for old style buildings.


Kaminokuni Town (Hokkaido, Japan)



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